
Blast Vaves

Type ESVF 2140

Type ESVF 2140

The Blast Valve with Prefilter Type ESVF 2140 is a heavy duty valve that protects the interior of a shelter from blast waves caused by outside explosions. A prefilter with an efficiency of ­approximately 90 % is fully integrated. The valve is normally open. It withstands blast waves of 60 bar (842 psi) reflected pressure. The valve is tested and certified for compliance to the applicable Israeli, Singaporean, and Swiss Standards.

The Blast Valve with Prefilter Type ESVF 2140 is a double action valve that protects against ­explosive and implosive waves. It is ­maintenance- free and resistant to high temperature, high humidity, and ­corrosion. The springs are ­manufactured from special stainless steel and all steel parts are galvanized to at least 100 μm.

Technical Brochure

Type ESVF 2140

Blast valve ESVF-2140
Blast valve ESVF-2140

Copyright @ Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov Industries Ltd.

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