
Air Conditioning – ships

Air Conditioning systems for ships

Air Conditioning Systems

airconditioning unit for ship
condensor unit 7
chiller unit 7
air handling unit 7
crew vessle
equipped with special customed
Air conditioning Units
NBC protected military Watercat ship uses NBC/CBRN protection system menu picture  air conditioning system for ships NBC protected military Watercat ship uses NBC/CBRN protection system Saar-6-Combat-Boat A military boat equiped with NBC/CBRN protection system Front view of an protected military Watercat ship uses NBC/CBRN protection system

Air Conditioning – ships

Beth-El Industries designs and produces custom air conditioning systems for vessels to supply clean, conditioned air to multiple personnel areas within a vessel, such as the wheelhouse, utility rooms, and equipment rooms. The system is designed with thermodynamic heat load analysis, so that it will match the thermal gain of a vessel as the temperature varies during a 24 hour period. The air conditioning system is water cooled, using sea water, and is proficient in creating a very comfortable level of dehumidification and cooling. The system is designed to work with a CBRN filtration system, but can operate separately as well. In combination with the filtration system, the arrangement creates a complete environmental protection system that is fully controlled from a custom remote control.
NBC/CBRN protection systems Video title picture
Complete Environmental Protection for Vehicles & Mobile Shelters

Copyright @ Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov Industries Ltd.

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